Songwriting doesn’t come easily for me. I am not an articulate person nor do I have a lot of wisdom to offer [I’ll get back to that later], but I am still able to finish 2 songs a month sometimes coming up with a gem. I call my process farming for songs. Over my 48 years as a songwriter I’ve amassed many scraps of wisdom in the form of sermon notes, napkins with ideas written on them, little awarenesses I’ve written down; all filed away in folders and categorized. Choosing from one of the hundreds of unwritten song titles I come up with, I will pull out the files that relate to that title. From all of those notes I will fill up an empty page full of ideas. Maybe I will get a first line or a chorus, but still there’s not enough yet. This is where the hard work of research begins. I will till the soil of many rich resources. At the end of my Bible is an index which will lead to many verses to study for my song. I will also go to the internet and fill up another page with ideas. The Thesaurus is rich with language that has categories and cross-references that can lead you down a rich rabbit trail of language. I will fill up another page with these and then I have lots of choices to choose from. I will then begin assembling these words like a puzzle move them around so they fit and then a clearer picture begins to take shape. I’ll look for sentences that rhyme together and if they don’t work I’ll go to a rhyming dictionary and list all the rhymes that fit. Then the song begins to sprout out of this rich soil, but now comes the rewrites to trim dead leaves and add a little more nutrients to make it grow. After about 4 rewrites now is the time to take my beautiful creation to play before my fellow songwriters at the monthly MACS meetings. They will help me catch things I didn’t see before.
So thankfully I have completed a song from the rich language that’s available to me, but there is one more resource I didn’t mention. Earlier on I mentioned that I wasn’t an eloquent man, but there is a verse in Exodus 4:10 where Moses tells God the same thing. God responds by saying this: ‘…who hath made mans mouth…. I will be thy mouth and teach what thou shalt say.” So to sum it up if we listen to that still small voice by getting out of the way, God just may give you the inspiration for your song. Blessings to you all and keep writin’. John Bennett
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